What is the difference between a Company ID and a 16-bit UUID?
A 16-bit UUID is used to advertise and interact with adopted services and characteristics that the Bluetooth SIG has adopted. A Company ID would be used in the Manufacturer Data field, which may be included in your Bluetooth advertising packet. If you are using this field in your packet, you will need to acquire a Company ID. Here is more information about the difference between the two. For more information, review this article: Requesting Assigned Numbers.
Can I request more than one Company ID?
A company ID is unique to an individual organization and can not be transferred. A company can only be assigned one company ID. To request a Company ID, please submit a ticket.
Does a Company ID Expire?
Once a Company ID is assigned, it is permanently assigned to the organization and does not expire. To request a Company ID, please submit a ticket.
How much does a Company ID cost? Is there an Annual Maintenance Fee?
There is no fee for a Company ID. There is no annual maintenance fee or renewal process. To request a Company ID, please submit a ticket.
My Company has been Acquired. Can we Change the Ownership of the UUID?
Please submit a ticket to request a transfer of UUIDs.