When a Working Group has decided that a document (e.g specification, Charter) is ready for a BARB vote, they will first motion a vote in the BARB reflector (barb-main@bluetooth.org).
This is only an example of what a BARB vote submission request looks like:
Dear BARB members,
The attached specification has gone through TE review, satisfied all comments from BARB reviewers, and received no further comments.
I would therefore like to make the following motion “Do you approve the attached <specification>".
Is there a second?
WG Chair
Once a BARB member seconds the voting proposal in the BARB reflector, the BARB Chair will then create a voting question in the voting tool.
The vote should take approximately 6 days. If additional time is required to complete the vote, then the Chair who motioned the vote will need to request a deadline extension and email the barb-main reflector (barb-main@bluetooth.org).
Note: The Chair should include the BoD approval/adoption target date so that BARB is aware on when the vote needs to complete.